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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Here Our vision - Sundarban - Ever Youth Tourism

Here Our vision
Bangladesh offers an incredible diversity of attractions for travelers. We provide detailed and up to date travel information, tailor-made itineraries for a wide range of destinations in and around Bangladesh, and reliable logistical services including knowledgeable multi-lingual guides, transport & accommodation facilities. Our services and facilities are developed in collaboration with local communities and in harmony with the environment.

Mr.Yousuf Shikder founder of The Ever Youth Tourism Ltd., nurtured his dream of developing tourism in Bangladesh by gathering a profound understanding . Encouraged by his acquired experience and supported by his family, he founded The Ever Youth Tourism Ltd, starting with only 3 Friends Mr. Shamim Ashraf, Mr. Farhan Islam & Mr Shohrab Hossain (Johny), Mr. Razib Hossain, Mr. Biplob Hossain..We have developed our logistics in the form of transports, boats, resort and branch offices. Our selection of destinations is as diverse as our customers. All our offers are tailor-made and cater to their special interests and requirements.

Our most prominent services are related to the Sundarban Forest, the largest contiguous mangrove forest in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. By providing logistical support for scientific research as well as photographers and film crews, we significantly contribute to the conservation of Sundarban.

Sundarban was once considered as a dense, dark and impenetrable jungle, the domain of the mysterious and elusive Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris) – not only adverse to human habitation, but also difficult to visit.

Our regular river-cruise and sightseeing tours in and around Dhaka are excellent introductory tours for the first-time visitors to Bangladesh. These day-tours are very popular among the expatriate community living in Bangladesh..

Ever Youth Tourism



About Sundarban - Ever Youth Tourism

About Sundarban
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the forests were about double of the present size and were under the control of Zamindars. in 1869, British government first took the control over Sundarban management. In 1878 the Sundarban was declared as reserved forest and then was placed under the control of Forest Department. First divisional forest officer was M. U. Green on 9 May 1884 to 12 May 1886.

Location of Sundarbans:
These Sundarban Reserved Forest (SRF) is situated in the extreme south-west corner of Bangladesh between the river Baleswar and Harinbhanga adjoining to the Bay of Bengal and it covers 6018 sq. km. including 3 wildlife sanctuary areas.
The SRF is situated at the southern part of Khulna, Bagerhat and Satkhira civil district lying in between latitude 21 ° 27' 30" & 22° 30' 00" North, and longitude 89° 02' 00" & 90° 00' 00" East.

The forest floor rises 0.9 m to 2.11 m above mean sea level. The entire forest is inundated twice a day with the high tide water flow.

Salinity of the estuaries varies seasonally. During monsoon salinity decreases for heavy downpour of sweet water from the upstream. Considering salinity, the forest area is divided into 3 (three) zones e.g. Fresh water zone, Moderate zone and saline water zone.
Biodiversity in the Sundarbans

It has considerably high floral diversity and in total about 334 plant species, additionally165 algae and 13 orchid species are also recorded. Among them Sundri (Heritiera femes), Keora (Sonneratia apetala), Baen (Avicennia officinalis), Passur (Xylocarpus mekongensis), Kankra (Bruguiera gymnorhiza), Goran (Ceriops decandra), Golpata (Nypa fruiticans), Singra (Cynometra ramiflora), Bhola (Hibiscus tiliceae), Hental (Pheonix paludosa), Khulshi (Aegicerus corniculatum), Gewa (Excoecaria agallocha) etc. are most important.
All the plant species in the Sundarbans Reserve Forest are indigenous. There is no endemic or exotic species and so far none is considered rare.

There are more than 375 wildlife species which include 35 reptiles, 315 birds, 42 mammals. There are 291 (210 whitefish, 24 shrimps, 14 crabs and 43 mollusks) fish species exist in Sundarbans. The major wildlife in Sundarbans include Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), spotted deer (Axis axis), wild boar (Sus serofa), monkey (Macaca mullata), estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), python, turtle, dolphin, otter, jungle cat, fishing cat and a variety of bird species. Among fishes fin fish, shrimp and crabs are important.

Some of the wildlife population of Sundarbans
Wildlife Number
Tiger 440
Deer 1,00,000-1,50,000
Monkey 40,000-50,000
Wildboar 20,000-25,000
Crocodile 150-200
Otter 20,000-25,000

Fisheries Resources of the Sundarbans:
The largest fishing ground in the Bay of Bengal is close to the Sundarbans. The Sundarbans has a large area of water body that support huge amount of fisheries resources. More than 400 fish species have been recorded from the Sundarbans and its adjoining coastal waters and 120 of these are regularly caught by commercial fishermen from the Sundarbans waters. There are about 53 species of pelagic fish belonging to 27 families, 124 species of demersal fish belonging to 49 families. The important fish species of the Sundarbans are: Hilsa ilisha, Hilsa tenualosa, Mystus gulio, Lates calcarifer, Pomadasys hasta, Polynemus spp., Pangasius pangasius, Johnius dussumeri, J. argentatus, Harpadon nehereus, Plotosus canius, Trichiurus haumela, Setipinna taty, Pampus argenteus, Sadinala spp., Liza parsia, Selar Spp., Mugil cephalus etc. Besides there are 24 species of shrimps belonging to 5 families (e. g. Penaeus monodon, Penaeus indicus, Macrobrachium rosenbergii etc.). The Royal Bengal Tiger
There exists approx 440 tigers including 21 cubs in Sundarbans. So each tiger has a home range of 14.4 sq km.

To study the tiger ecology and behavior two tigress has been radio-collared named Jamtala Rani and Chaprakhali Rani, both the tigress have home-range of (about 14-16 sq km.) and compared to other habitat this is the smallest. Before this study in Bangladesh smallest home range size recorded were in Nepal (about 25-30 sq km.) and largest from Russian far east (over 400 sq km.). This indicates that Sundarbans has a high overall density and indicate a stable and substantial tiger population.

Conservation Effort:
As a part of conservation planning, 3 wildlife sanctuaries were established in this forest. These are situated in areas deemed to have wildlife management potential and as representative portions of natural areas in the three different biotypes which are free from timber extraction and other forms of harvesting and maintained as undisturbed breeding ground for wild animals and fishes. The total area of the sanctuaries are 1,39,700 ha. which is meant for wildlife and nature conservation.

The World Heritage Site:
The UNESCO has declared the three wildlife Sanctuary as a World Heritage Site in South Asia Meeting on 6th December1997 in New Delhi, to review status of conservation of World Heritage and Design a Co-operative Plan of Action for future. It may be noted that the Sundarbans is the 798th World Heritage Site in the World. The plaque of the world Heritage site was established by the then Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh on 4 February 1999 at Nilkomol in compartment 44 in the Sundarbans. The total area is 1,39,700 ha.

Sundarban as a Ramsar site/wetland:
The Sundarban is the largest estuarine wetland covering 6,018 sq. km. of land and water and is also the world's largest delta. The Sundarbans wetland is a globally significant ecosystem rich in biodiversity providing habitat for around 334 plants and more than 375 wildlife species which includes 35 reptiles, 315 birds, 42 mammals including the world famous Royal Bengal Tiger. The principal reptile species include the estuarine crocodile, python, common cobra, gecko, sea snakes, monitor lizards, turtles and others. At least 30 species of snakes are reported to have been recorded in the Sundarban Reserve Forest and there appear to have been a general decline in densities of at least in sighting especially, over the last 15 years. The rock Python is listed as vulnerable by IUCN. The Sundarbans has been declared as a 560th Ramsar site in 1992 due to covering all criteria of wetland as well as Ramsar site.

Eco Tourism in the Sundarbans:
Ecotourism only allows eco-friendly behavior with nature during visiting the site. The natural beauty of the Sundarbans is so attractive, captivating, fascinating and varied that hardly another region of the world can compete with its particular grace and grandeur. The Sundarbans has a unique entity of attracting tourists not only domestic but also from abroad. The pleasure of cruising in the rivers and creeks of the Sundarbans knows no bound. Cruising by country boat brings relaxation of body and mind. Equally interesting in the Sundarbans is fishing. In addition, there are other options and some interesting recreation activities: beach relaxation, walking, jungle trails, wildlife watching etc. There are several spots in the Sundarbans that can easily attract tourists. Some of the important tourist spots are Karamjol, Katka, Kochikhali, Dubla Island, Nilkamal, Shekertek temple, Mandarbaria, Harbaria, Kalagachia, Notabeki and Dobeki etc. Some of the sea beaches in the Sundarbans are of special attraction that make the visitors enjoy amazing natural beauty, such as Jamtali beach in Kotka zone, Hiron Point beach etc.

Sundarbans is natures paradise and beauty of the sea. The Bengal tiger of Sundarbans is our symbol of pride and heritage. We should protect and preserve it for us as well as our future generation.

Hotels - Sundarban - Ever Youth Tourism

Hotel Sundarban International

66, Khan A Sobur Road,
Ph: 041-725219
Mobile:01720409497, 0191920949Single: 170
Double: 250
Double Ac: 400.

Hotel Golden King

25, Sir Iqbal Road,
Ph: 041-725917
Mobile: 01719777131
Fax: 8804161266Double: 250
Ac Double: 800
Deluxe: 400

Hotel Paradise

56/4, Khan A Sabur Road,
Ph: 041-812882,041-725427
Mobile: 01719124200Single: 250 /- (Non Ac)
Single: 500 /- (Ac)
Double: 400 /- (Non Ac)
Double: 700 /- (Ac)

Hotel Arafa international

136, Sir Iqbal Road, Khulna.
Mob. 01731-936466, 01912-400162Suit Room: 700
Deluxe Couple (N. Ac):300
Twin Deluxe:300
Single Deluxe:180
Twin Economy:250
Triple Economy:350
Economy Couple:250
Single Economy:150

Hotel Kador

17, KDA Avenue,
Ph: 041-721041Single: 100 /- (Common Bathroom)
Single: 150 /- (Attach Bathroom)
Double: 250 /-(Common Bathroom)
Double: 300 /- (Attach Bathroom)

Western Inn

51, Khan A Sobur Road,
Ph: 041-810899,
Mobile: 01711431000
Fax: 88041731250Double Room (Twin): 1200
Deluxe Room (Couple): 100
Western Suite (Couple): 1700
Western Suite (Twin): 1900
Executive Suit: 2300
Drivers Accommodation (Per Bed): 200

Hotel Millennium

Mozid Sarani,
Sonadanga,Khulna.Single Room :1,000
Couple Bedded Room :1,200
Twin Bedded Room:1,400/-
Couple Bedded Suit:1,800/-
Twin Bedded Suit:2,200/-

Hotel Royal Internationa

Royal Mor,
Ph: 041-813067-9Executive: 3623/- (52$)
Suit Couple: 2415 /- (34$)
Suit Twin: 2898 /- (42$)
Standard Twin: 1449 /- (21$)
Suit Couple: 1328 /- (19$)
Suit Single: 1087 /- (16$)

Castle Salam

Royal Mor,
Khulna. Ph: 041-730Professional Suit: 15000/- (214$)
Ambassador Suit(King): 4000/- (57$)
Ambassador Suit(Twin): 4000/- (57$)
Executive Suit(Couple): 3500/- (50$)
Executive Suit(Twin): 3500/- (50$)
Executive Suit(Single): 2000/- (28$)
Delux (Twin): 1500/- (21$)
Delux (Single): 1200/- (17$)
Standard (Couple): 700/- (10$)
Standard (City View): 700/- (10$)
Standard (Single): 500/- (7$)

Sundarban Forest Photos - Ever Youth Tourism

Royal Bangle Tiger.

Contact Us - Ever Youth Tourism

Contact Us:

Head Office:
117, Khan-A-Sobour Road
(Opposite of Sonali Bank)
Khulna. (9100)

Fax : 811053
Hot Lines (24 Hrs): +88 01921 500 250 or +88 01827 144 779
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